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Annie had a one-person "Hallway Show" in June-July 2023.


The video box with blurry tulips is a video of Annie talking about the show. To hear her, please click the musical notes at bottom right of the box.


The box with sunrise, below right, contains slides for a talk Annie gave about the show and about Photography as Art; there is no sound with these slides.

Annie's Hallway Show

Annie's Working Projects
Redbud Art Project, with a Few Historic Triangle Calendar Photos

Roadside Redbud
Parkway Redbud
Leesburg Redbud One
Williamsburg Redbuds
Rainbow Redbuds
Leesburg Redbud Two
Twisty Redbud
Crim Dell Bridge in Snow
Orlando Jones Garden
Shields Tavern Garden
Yorktown Reenactor
Yorktown Cottage
Jamestown Glassblowing
Jamestown Beach Sunset
Carriage Awaiting Customers, Williamsburg

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Motion Pan Art Project

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Rose Art Project

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